# Overview

The 68K daughter board expands the capabilities of the Replay 1 by providing a socket for an optional 68060 CPU and 128MB local/fastram for use by the 68060.
In addition, a floppy drive can be attached (for use with supporting cores), making this an ideal upgrade for Amiga / AtariST enthusiasts.
The board also expands the Replay’s I/O capabilities with a second SD card slot (dedicated to the FPGA), 100Mbit Ethernet, two USB 2.0 ports, a real time clock, audio in socket (24-bit 96KHz stereo ADC) and Midi I/O interface.
Use of daughter board features depends on per-core support. Audio In Record & Sampling will be driver and core dependent.
Refer to the Hardware section for instructions on how to attach the daughter board to the Replay 1 as well as an overview of the available I/O.
Software configuration depends on the core you wish to use with the daughter board. To get you started, refer to the Software section for a walk through on configuring the Amiga core which takes full advantage of everything the daughter board has to offer.